Growing up Healthy

Theme 1 - Growing up Healthy

For healthy transition to adulthood, children need to Understand and manage changes within themselves as well as changing expectations from the outside world.

You will learn on the following topics of Growing up Healthy

  • Adolescence: Period of rapid physical, mental and socio-emotional changes
  • For healthy transition to adulthood, children need to o Understand and manage changes within themselves as well as changing expectations from the outside world
  • Build skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving and decision making to Manage these changes, and Counter myths and misconceptions associated with adolescence

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Learn through videos
Sno Activity Learning outcomes Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4
1 I am Changing
  • Describes the changes (mainly physical) that occur during adolescence
  • Recognizes adolescence and the process of growing up as a positive phase

Activity 1.1 Ayush.


2 Physical changes during Adolescence
  • Identify physical changes occurring during adolescence and demonstrates comfort with them
  • Recognizes that changes during adolescence can occur at a different pace and timing in different individuals
  • Develops a positive acceptance of self

Activity 1.2 - My father call me sher.

3 Attaining Puberty
  • Describe basic understanding of menstrual cycle and nocturnal emission
  • Describes ways to maintain personal hygiene especially during menstruation and after nocturnal emission

Activity 1.3 - Reena.

4 The Beauty that Matters
  • Recognizes that the qualities which matter most in life are beyond physical appearance
  • Recognizes and expresses qualities and attributes, beyond physical appearance that are admirable

Activity 1.5 - Shalini_English.

5 Skills to counter stigmas and stereotypes during adolescence
  • Displays sensitivity towards variations in developmental milestones among peers
  • Demonstrates how to counter stigma and stereotypes related to adolescence
  • Describes youth friendly services that can support children during the growing up process

Activity 1.6 - Rajesh and Sonia.

Activity 1.6 - Rongden and Sara.

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