Promotion of safe use of Internet

Theme 11 - Promotion of safe use of Internet

To develop the knowledge and skills to use media and internet effectively and safely; To analyze critically the various media platforms and the messages they propagate;

You will learn on the following topics of Promotion of Safe Use of Internet, Gadgets and Media

  • To develop the knowledge and skills to use media and internet effectively and safely
  • To analyze critically the various media platforms and the messages they propagate
  • To identify situations that may be unsafe and demonstrate ways to keep themselves and others safe
  • To reflect deeper and analyze the time and content they access on media and identify ways to regulate their behavior
  • To use the gadgets safely
  • To maintain a balance between online and offline activities
  • To maintain physical, social and mental wellbeing while engaging in online activities
  • To follow netiquettes, internet safety and ethics when online

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Learn through videos
Sno Activity Learning outcomes Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Video 4
1 Real and Reel Life
  • Examines the information promoted through popular media
  • Distinguishes between false and correct information
  • Exhibits the skills to make informed choices

Activity 11.2 - Health drink.

2 Online Safety: My Responsibility
  • Identifies safe and unsafe situations common in the virtual world
  • Uses media safely by recognizing unsafe situations
  • Plans how to respond in unsafe situations

Activity 11.5 - Astha.

Activity 11.5 - Lalit and Priya.

Activity 11.5 - Mayank.

Activity 11.5 - Riya.

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